
Privacy Notice

We take your privacy very seriously. This Notice is designed to help you understand what information we collect or process about you and what we do with this information when you use SCUTECH's products.

Before using SCUTECH’s products or services, please be sure to read and understand this Notice carefully. By using the products or services of SCUTECH, you have fully understood and agreed to this Notice.


This Privacy Notice applies to your use of DBackup, InfoSemper and InfoKist.

This Privacy Notice applies only to information collected by SCUTECH's products, and does not apply to services or information usage rules of third party. We are not responsible for the information provided by any third party.

Collected Information

SCUTECH's products collect from your environment and automatically transmits to SCUTECH data, which may include, without limitation:

ü Contact phone number, email address, department name, organization name, user nickname, avatar information, theme

ü SMTP server address, SMTP user mailbox

ü License status, license information, license ID and license usage

ü Storage capacity, used storage capacity, and available storage capacity of the storage device

ü NIC information, IP address, IP type

ü Host name/alias, platform architecture, CPU information, OS version

ü Language, time zone

ü Access Key, Secret Key

ü Database type, version, status, instance name, home directory

ü virtualization platform, virtual machine

ü Array card controller information, disk information, connector information

ü Library information

System user activity status information

Stored Information

SCUTECH's products collect from your environment and stores in your environment, information, which may include, without limitation:

ü username

ü password

ü files, databases, virtual machines, operating system information

ü Settings

Information Usage

Collected Information will be used for the purposes of:

ü Enabling and optimizing the performance of SCUTECH's products

ü Internal research and development, including improving SCUTECH's products and services

ü License administration

ü Statistical analysis of product deployment

We may also use your information for any other purpose, in accordance with your permission, as required by applicable law.

Technical Support

In the event you provide information to SCUTECH in connection with a technical support request, such information will be processed and used by SCUTECH for the purpose of providing the requested technical support. You provide information to SCUTECH which may include, without limitation:

ü Customer name

ü customer address

ü zip code

ü contact name

ü contact number

ü email address

ü order number & contract number

ü product serial number

ü hard disk serial number

ü fault description

ü error screenshot

ü error log

Information Sharing

We and our affiliates will not share your personal information with any third party without your consent except in the following cases:

ü Provide you with our services

ü Achieve the stated purposes of the " Information Sharing " section

ü Fulfill our obligations and exercise our rights in this notice

ü Understand, maintain and improve our services.

If we or our affiliates need to share your personal information with any third parties, we will ask for your permission in advance. And we will ensure that this third party is in compliance with this notice and other appropriate confidentiality and security measures that we require to comply with when using your personal information.

Information Protection

To protect your information from unauthorized access and use, public disclosure, modification, damage or loss, we have taken reasonable and practicable security measures.


It is your responsibility to ensure that any disclosure by You to SCUTECH of personal information of your users or third parties is in compliance with national laws governing the collection, use and protection of personal information applicable to your country or region of operation. In particular, it is your responsibility to inform users and third parties that you are providing their information to SCUTECH, to inform them of how it will be used and to gather appropriate consents required for such transfer and use.

Modifications to our Privacy Notice

Under certain circumstances, you may be able to request the removal of information we have about you. We will respond to requests to access or delete your information within 30 days. We may retain certain data contributed by you if it may be necessary to prevent fraud or future abuse, or for legitimate business purposes, such as analysis of aggregated, non-personally-identifiable data, account recovery, or if required by law.

Contact Us

For any inquiry about the information contained in this Notice or about SCUTECH's privacy practices, please contact us by calling customer service at 400-003-3191 or by email at privacy@ithezhon.com.


We reserve the right to revise or modify this Notice. If this happens, we will post a prominent notice on this website prior to the change becoming effective. If the change would have the effect of introducing a purpose for the use of your personal information, which is inconsistent with this notice, and where required by applicable law, we will either notify you or provide you with an opportunity to opt-out from such use.
